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1. Table of Contents and Introduction
First, all documents to which access is to be restricted are placed in some common directory under your server's document root. That directory (and all beneath it) can be configured either by placing commands in a file named .htaccess that resides in that directory, or by placing the same commands in an appropriate <Directory> block in the global configuration file. The directives will be the same in either case, giving at least the following information:
Now, suppose the user attempts to access an HTML page or a CGI program which is stored in (or below) the directory. The sequence of events defined by the HTTP protocol specification for basic authentication goes like this:
I wonder if there might some circumstances, with multiple different authentication domains on the same server, where the browser might guess wrong and send a login and password from one authentication domain with a request to another domain. I haven't confirmed this, but I suspect the risk is minimal.
From an efficiency point of view it is also less than impressive. If the browser isn't clever enough to guess that authentication information will be needed when sending the original request, then each page must be requested twice, so that the ordinary delays due to net latency are doubled. On pages with frames, where the top-level frame and the contents of each subframe must be fetched separately, this may require two requests for each frame (note that if some of the frames don't include sensitive information you may improve performance by making those frames available without authentication).
The work required by the HTTP server is also significant. It has to process each request twice, rejecting it once, and then accepting it. It also has to look up the user in the user database again for every new page accessed. If the user database is large, this can be very slow.
A well-designed HTTP server can reduce some of these problems. It can cache information about what access is needed for which files, so that repeated requests can be processed more quickly. It can use user databases designed for rapid lookups, such as the hashed dbm files supported by Apache. Still, the protocol is fundamentally cumbersome enough that it must be slow.
Another important problem with basic authentication as currently implemented is that there is no way for a user to log off without exiting the browser. Suppose you have been accessing a site requiring authentication through your web browser. Even if you have moved on to a different site, your web browser still has your login and password cached. So if you leave the computer and someone else tries to access that site, that person will get on right away, without being asked for a login and password. On most operating systems another person wouldn't easily be able to see your password, but as long as your browser is running they could continue to use it.
Neither Netscape nor Internet Explorer offers the user any way to flush authentications out of memory short of exiting the browser. Many web sites suggest to users that they should "exit all browser windows" after they are finished to make sure they are logged off. Even users who remember to do this may fail to notice all windows, including minimized and iconified ones. On a Macintosh, exiting all browser windows isn't even sufficient - the browser doesn't automatically exit when all windows are closed. Most browsers have a command menu option to actually exit the browser (closing all windows) but it takes some user education to teach people to actually use this. Thus there is a very large chance that users will fail to effectively log out when leaving their computer. This can be a significant security problem in environments where users commonly share computers. It's probably reason enough, by itself, to avoid using basic authentication for applications with very sensitive data and large numbers of untrained users.
Finally, many web sites prefer not to use basic authentication because they
want more control over the appearance of the login screen.
With basic authentication, you get whatever ugly little login box that the
browser chooses to pop up.
Usually the only text in this box that you have any control over is the
authentication realm name
(some sites try to jam all sorts of information into that).
2.2. Digest Authentication
Digest authentication was added to the HTTP standard to provide a method
of authenticating users without sending passwords over the network in clear
This fixes the major security weakness in basic authentication.
Digest authentication, however, has only recently been beginning to catch on. Apache's web server has long included support for it, but until recently the only browser that implemented it was W3C's reference browser, Amaya. Now support for it has appeared in Internet Explorer 5.0, Mozilla 1.9.7, Netscape 7, Opera 4.0, and Safari 1.0. That's pretty much all current browsers. Microsoft's IIS 5.0 server also supports it.
There have, however, been some problems with compatibility of different digest authentication implmentations. Not all browsers work with all servers. When Microsoft finally implemented it, they implemented it differently ("incorrectly" would probably not be too harsh), so IE browsers would work with IIS servers, but no other browsers would work with IIS, and IE wouldn't work with other servers. Apache servers 2.0.51 and later have a "AuthDigestEnableQueryStringHack" setting that can be turned on to work around this problem, allowing IE browsers to be used with Apache.
So, almost a decade after the standard was introduced, it is now just becoming practical to use digest authentication on a web site targeted to the general public.
As with basic authentication, the browser gets a password (either from the user or from its cache memory) Instead of just sending that information, the browser does the following:
MD5 is an algorithm that takes text strings of arbitrary length and generates a 16 byte checksum. It is designed so that if you are given only an MD5 checksum, it is extremely difficult to find a block of text that would result in that checksum. It can be considered a one-way encryption algorithm.
When the server receives this new request, it looks up the user name in its password database and gets the user's real password. It then computes the same three checksums above, using that real password. If the result is the same as the one the browser sent, then the user either supplied the correct password, or they got very lucky and found another password that has the same checksum (one chance in 340,282,366,920,938,463,463,374,607,431,768,211,456). (Actually, the server should store the result of the first MD5 checksum in the password database instead of storing the clear-text password - this saves computation, and, more importantly, protects the user's password).
The digest authentication standard includes some other features. It allows for an MD5 checksum of the entire request or response to be included, enabling the server or browser to detect if their messages have been tampered with somewhere on the net between them. Also it allows the server to specify which other pages the same authentication can be used for.
Though a snooper cannot see a user's password, which would make it possible to fully impersonate the user, it might be possible to just save a copy of the whole request and resend it. If the target is a static HTML page, replaying the request in this way just gets the snooper another copy of the response that they presumably saw while snooping on the original transaction. If the target is a CGI program, this could be a bigger problem.
The "nonce" value can be used to solve this problem. For complete security, the HTTP server could keep a record of the nonce values it has sent, and allow each to be used only once. This is difficult, however, since it requires a lot of record keeping. A simpler, though less secure, approach is to include data like the user's IP address and a time stamp in the nonce string. Then the HTTP server would only accept authentication requests if the IP address the request appears to originate from matches the one in the nonce string, and if the nonce string is not too old. Thus the person sending the replayed request would have to arrange to appear to be coming from the same IP address as the original user (generally difficult, but not impossible), and the whole thing would stop working after the time stamp expires. (Note that there are problems with using IP addresses this way that will be discussed below.)
Another problem with digest authentication is that it allows for very little flexibility in the way that passwords are stored in the server's password database. The server needs to be able to generate the MD5 checksum of the concatenation of the user name, the authentication realm name, and the password. So server either needs to be able to have access to the plain text password to generate this checksum, or the checksum itself needs to be stored in the password database. That means that you can't do digest authentication out of databases where the passwords are encrypted by any other one-way encryption method. Since virtually all well-designed password databases use some other one-way encryption method to store their passwords, this covers nearly all pre-existing databases.
There is one way in which digest authentication is less secure than basic authentication. If unauthorized people gain access to the password database on a system with basic authentication, they don't get anything very useful. Only encrypted passwords are stored there, and they aren't very useful because to get authenticated they have to supply the real password, not the encrypted version. So they'd have to decrypt the passwords before they could use them (which is easy for badly chosen passwords, but fairly hard for well-chosen ones).
With digest authentication, the password database contains the MD5 checksums of the concatenation of the user name, the authentication realm name, and the password. It's still hard to obtain the password from this, but you don't necessarily need the password. Just use this value as the result of the first checksum instead of actually computing it. This first checksum is all villians need to be able to pretend to be that user on your system. The only small consolation is that since the authentication realm is part of the checksum, they can not use it to access other sites where the same user may use the same password. Thus it is much more important to protect the password database under digest authentication.
Thus, digest authentication fixes several weaknesses in basic authentication but falls well short of being a fully secure protocol. Still, it's more secure than most of the other authentication methods discussed in this report (at least if they are not combined with SSL).
Some people have suggested that it was because digest authentication is based on encryption and thus the US export restrictions on encryption software made it unattractive. It was one of the goals of the team that designed digest authentication to devise a protocol whose use would not be limited by copyright or export restrictions. That's why digest authentication does not use two-way encryption algorithms, but only one-way MD5 encryption. The US export regulations explicitly did not restrict export of such programs. This makes sense because although algorithms like MD5 can be used to prove that you know something (a password in this case) to someone else who also knows it, they cannot be used to transmit secret information to someone who doesn't already know it. Source code for MD5 is included in many packages that have been freely distributed world-wide without interference from the US government (including the Apache HTTP server). (Note: some people claimed that export of one-way encryptions systems was restricted. I'm not an expert on this and could be wrong. The high level of confusion even among professionals over what was and was not legal to export from the US was a not insignificant part of the problem with this law - it retarded progress even in areas it does not regulate.) At this point US export restrictions have been loosened so it may be less of an issue - though some other nations still have similar regulations.
My guess is that the browser manufacturers didn't support digest authentication because it is simply too much of a half measure. Rather than offer all sorts of intermediate levels of security, they'd prefer to offer a more complete security solution, like Netscape's SSL protocol. This can solve all the problems with snooping (unless the snoops have access to seriously heavy-duty decryption technology, probably available mainly to various secretive government agencies).
Next Section:
3. Do-It-Yourself Authentication Options